There were 110 reported car break-ins in Durham last week

Thursday, August 23, 2018
DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) -- Durham police say recent car break-ins around the city are a crime of opportunity.

There were a whopping 110 break-ins last week, according to authorities.
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And it seems people assume it won't happen to them.

ABC 11 met Mehri McKellar in Shops at Erwin Mill parking lot Thursday. McKellar doesn't think a vehicle break-in could happen to her.

"Really I don't have a great car," she said.

Ans she believes thieves don't care about her Honda.

"So I'm not so worried about losing my car. Although it would certainly be an inconvenience."

She admits sometimes she leaves her laptop and bag in the car.
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"I think we just kind of get complacent. You know nothing has happened to me. Seems to be a safe area, and you're only going to go in for five minutes," McKellar said.

But It's that kind of attitude Durham police say is causing a string of break-ins.

In all types of vehicles all around town. From parking lots at hotels and apartment homes to victim's driveways.

In the past 30 days, nearly 350 vehicles have been broken into.
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Authorities say the majority of the thieves are spotting vehicles unlocked with valuables in plain view.

Robert Wunderlich of Henderson says he only takes precaution when he's riding with his girlfriend.

"I lock her doors," Wunderlich said. But he doesn't do the same for his vehicle.

Victims in these recent thefts had their wallets, purses, electronics and keys stolen.

Police say in addition to keeping your doors locked, keep your vehicle in well-lit areas and be aware of your surroundings.
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