Mom of 8 shares budget tips

Friday, August 25, 2017
As a mother of eight children, Cher Lair has become an expert at multi-tasking and making the dollar stretch.

"We are super frugal to a fault around here," Lair said. "I don't think we buy new things."

Cher, her husband, Stephen, and their children also save money by eating fruits and vegetables from the garden at their Apex home. The children help grow the tomatoes, watermelons, and other fruits and vegetables.

"We just water it every day," said Shepherd, 6.

The Lair's pantry is packed since they buy in bulk.

Cher tries to make dinner time inexpensive with weekly themed nights. She's implemented "potato night" and "beans and rice night" once a week.

"It costs about $2 to feed our whole family of 10 and so then we sit and talk with them about global issues and poverty as well as finances," said Cher, adding that she and her husband talk to their children about how many people in the world eat beans and rice for dinner regularly.

Shepherd said he has fun with the themed nights.

The Lair Family

Picture provided by Cher Lair

"I get to spend time with my family," he said.

For clothing, the family relies on hand me downs and consignment and thrift stores. Cher said she also looks for deals online on sites like ebay and Amazon.

When it comes to school supplies and food, the Lairs take advantage of coupons and sales.

"We're on every rewards program under the sun," Cher said. "We get all the alerts and when it's buy 2, get 3 free, we'll go and do it three times over."

Some tips from Cher:

-Try implementing inexpensive themed meals such as "potato night" and "beans and rice night"

-For clothing, try hand me downs and consignment and thrift stores

-Shop for deals online, on sites like Amazon and eBay

-Join rewards programs and buy when there are deals

-Shop off season even if you don't need the products now

-Start your own garden

Fun Facts

The Lairs live in Apex

There are 8 children and mom, Cher, and dad, Stephen

There are seven boys and one girl, Ruby

The youngest is Fisher, who is 8-weeks-old

Meet the Lairs



Jackson, 15

Campbell, 12

Sawyer, 9

Houston, 7

Shepherd, 6

Knox, 4

Ruby, 1

Fisher, 8-weeks-old
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