Why Big Weather isn't shaving this month: The meaning behind 'No Shave November'

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
So many people have asked, "What's up with the Moustache?" It's a plea. Not for help, but for folks to get their yearly checkup.

Why? Cancer found early (like at a yearly screening) is easier to treat, and beat, than Cancer found in the later stages.

I'm so sick of this D@$# disease. Cancer's taken a lot of people I know and love and I'm just tired of it. One of my closest friends, Dave, lost his life to it in his 30s. Way too early.

Both my grandfathers suffered from its effects. My wife's aunt went way too early, and her grandma died of breast cancer. Cancer sucks. But by going to get those yearly screenings, you might just catch it early and your story will be different.

So, when you see my cheesy mustache and terrible excuse for a beard this month, know that there is a purpose to the mess on my face. And if you haven't done it, please get your yearly checkup scheduled. Even during COVID, doctors are still seeing patients, so don't let it be an excuse.

Finally, if you'd like to contribute to my No Shave November, just click here.

And for those who like the smooth-faced weather forecast, it will return in December!
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