NOT PLAYING AROUND: Clue left in Play-Doh helps nab suspected thief

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Here's something you do not hear every day. A child's play toy helped catch a suspected shoplifter.

Play-Doh is probably in every toy bin, but as one would-be thief found out, you should be very careful when handling this stuff.

The suspect wanted to take expensive electronics from a WalMart in Massachusetts, but those items are wrapped with a security device that sends out a loud noise if they are stolen.

So the guy took some Play-Doh and covered the speakers.

What he did not resolve was that he left behind an important clue - his fingerprint. It sticks out like, dare I say, a sore thumb?

"Forensic science evidence cannot be changed, it cannot be disputed," said Leicester Police Chief James Hurley. "It is there. His print was on that Play-Doh. Mr. Jackson thought he was being clever, and in a way it was. Unfortunately, his cleverness was more clever for us than it was for him."

This is not the first time bad guys left behind too much evidence.

In Maryland, it was DNA on a McDonald's bag left at a crime scene that lead police to a murder suspect.

And who can forget the trail that ended up catching the Golden State Killer. A family tree DNA website gave police clues they used in conjunction with a discarded item to nab that suspect.

So remember, if you are up to no good, Play-Doh is the last thing you want in your tool kit.
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