50,000+ new jobs planned in Triangle in next 3 years, Chamber of Commerce data shows

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- As the economy continues to surge in the Triangle, new data shows roughly how many more jobs will be created to meet the demand.

Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce hosted its community success forum Tuesday to dive into job skills needed as the region continues to boom.

The Chamber's research estimated that the Triangle will need between 50,000-86,000 new jobs will be created in the next three years. Those jobs will come across all industries, but certain fields will see larger upticks than others.

"All of them are showing growth. But also, it was the public sector. Health care, education and nonprofits are telling us that they expect to have the most need for jobs over the next three years," Sara Lawrence with RTI International said.

The booming growth will mean that housing will continue to be a big challenge in the region. It's already one of the top challenges employers face in recruiting new workers to the region.

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