Raleigh transportation station described as a game changer

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
RALEIGH, North Carolina (WTVD) -- Raleigh City Council members will tour the construction site of the new Union Station in downtown Tuesday.

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The nearly $90 million project is located on Martin Street by West Street and is expected to help stimulate the Warehouse District.

Its features include a public plaza, retail and restaurant space, and another depot for GoTriangle buses.

The design will preserve the history of Raleigh with original steel framing.

The Union Station will replace the Amtrak station on Cabarrus Street, which is often overcrowded. It will ease travel between Raleigh and Charlotte with two more round-trip trains and leaves room for growth.

A look at the construction underway at Union Station

Credit: Shawn Replogle

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The project is a joint initiative by the North Carolina Department of Transportation's rail division and the City of Raleigh with assistance from GoTriangle.
Union Station is expected to be completed this winter.

To see an in-depth look at the new station and the tour city council members took, view the video below.

Raleigh transportation station described as game changer

Crews said the project is 65 percent complete.
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For a site plan visit NCDOT's website

Credit: Shawn Replogle

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