Roxboro family with a disabled child seeking help after house fire with school clothes and needs

ABC11 Together highlights the strength of the human spirit, good deeds, community needs, and how our viewers can help
Friday, August 25, 2017
ROXBORO, North Carolina (WTVD) -- A Roxboro mother of three is pleading for help after losing nearly everything in a house fire.

Latisha Stone needs clothes for her children with school starting in just days and donations for her severely disabled 15-year-old child.

You can donate to the family's GoFundMe page here.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation according to the Roxboro Fire Department.


ABC11 first learned of the Stone family's need through and email from a family friend named Ashlyn Watson.

The email reads:

"I'm writing you in hopes for some assistance or guidance for a family very close to my heart that just lost everything due to house fire while they were out of town. My friend, Latisha Stone (of Roxboro, NC) and her three children lived in the home. Lexie (whom is disabled), is in High School; Caleb is in Jr. High; and Emma is 4.If you can direct them to help; donations, anything, please do.

Latisha is one of the strongest women I know. She has been handed many difficult battles in her life and within the many years I have known her and I have first hand witnessed her ability to find a way to make it through anything and hold it all together! She isn't only a single mother of 3 but Lexie (15 years old) is disabled and requires 24hr attention and care. She can not walk, is on oxygen most of the time; Latisha can not move her on her own. Lexie is one in a million, a beautiful little girl with the most amazing sense of humor and personality & with just as much strength as her mama! Losing everything they have and their home complicates her needs for proper living arrangements and comfort to unbelievable measures."

There will be a fundraiser held Sep 2 from 3-6pm at Triangle D Mart 100 Creedmoor Road, Stem NC 27581. Spaghetti Plate ( Spaghetti, Bread, Dessert, and a can drink ) $10.00.

They will also be taking clothing donations. (Emma is a size 6, Caleb is a men's XL shirts and men's L in sweatpants and basketball shorts, Lexie wears a 2xl in t-shirts and stretchy clothes).

The damage to the home is extensive.

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