The incident started around 5 pm Wednesday when officers responded to the 4500 block of Spinel Drive on a domestic incident. They say Raekwon Sparrow refused to come out and wouldn't let anyone leave the house. According to Fayetteville police, three adults and two children were inside. Police said a woman was able to escape from the house while police were negotiating with Sparrow to come out.
Police say Sparrow surrendered around 1:30 a.m.
Neighbors say the children are a 12-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl. People in the immediate area were barred from getting into their homes.
A person at the Cumberland County Detention Center confirms Sparrow is being held there on felony and misdemeanor charges including five felony counts of first-degree kidnapping. He's also charged with breaking and entering to terrorize or injure, and with violating a domestic violence protection order.
Police say they recovered a gun from the home.
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Fayetteville police say no one was physically injured during the incident.
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