Raleigh mom's road to healing from the trauma of gun violence: 'It just really broke us'

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- ABC11 is marking Mental Health Awareness Month with a special town hall conversation Wednesday night. "The Silent Struggle" is part of our commitment to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Part of our conversation centers on the trauma of gun violence. Raleigh mother, Debbie Morales, who lost her son in a shooting is joining the discussion.

It's been nearly 8 years since Dr. Morales' life was rocked by gun violence. Her 29-year-old son Derrick McClain, an aspiring musician, was one of two victims shot and killed in a hail of bullets outside of a Fayetteville apartment complex in August 2016.

"It just hurt me to my core because stuff like this doesn't happen to our family," Morales said.

Detectives told her that her son's friend had been set-up by enemies and her son was caught in the crossfire.

"(Police) told me basically my son was a casualty. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time," said Morales.

Mental health experts agree that losing a loved one to gun violence sparks intense emotion. Not just grief but anger. Morales shared the initial rage she felt toward her son's killers.

"I was really angry. I didn't want to have anything to do with them. I just wanted them to go to die," Morales said. "I'm trying not to cry... It just really broke us. It really did. And I had a hard time."

SEE ALSO | Mental health and coping with the trauma of gun violence: 'It's not normal'
Mental health and coping with the trauma of gun violence: 'It's not normal'

She said her road to mental health healing was aided by her faith, clinical therapy and support groups.

And Morales testified at the sentencing hearing for the young men who murdered her son -- something amazing happened.

"I told them I forgive them," she said. "I didn't realize I was going to forgive them until just now. I would give my life to get my son back, but I know I can't. So I want them to be productive citizens."

From living after the trauma of gun violence to tips to ensure your kids stay safe on social media, ABC11 has assembled a team of experts ready to talk about the issues you say matter most. Be sure to watch our special town hall conversation, "The Silent Struggle" Wednesday night at 7 -- exclusively on the ABC11 North Carolina streaming app.
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