Here's why the Panthers say 'Keep Pounding'

Joe Mazur Image
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Keep Pounding
Behind the origin of the Panthers' mantra.

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (WTVD) -- If you've been clued into this Panthers run at all, no doubt you've heard the mantra "Keep Pounding."

What you might not know is its origin.

Thumb through social media of any kind these days and whether it has a hashtag or not "Keep Pounding" is everywhere. Through the Carolina Panthers' 17 wins, the mantra picked up steam. So how did it start?

Twelves years ago, Panthers legend Sam Mills delivered an impassioned speech to the team and used the phrase. Mills, who was then an assistant coach, had cancer and was given three months to live a year prior to his message. On its road to Super Bowl XXXVIII, he told the team "I'm a fighter. I kept pounding. You're fighters, too. Keep pounding!"

Mills died in 2005 and is the only Panther represented by a statue outside Bank of America Stadium. His presence still bleeds through this team and the fans symbolized by the drum pounded before each game.

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