"Baby alarm clock" won't let mommy sleep

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Friday, February 20, 2015

See what happens when a baby easily overpowers her mother trying to get some sleep. Between all the hair-pulling, nose-picking--and far worse--perhaps you can see why parents often complain about a lack of sleep.

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Esther Anderson, the YouTube user who uploaded the video, wrote that she recorded the video with her cellphone to see what her "baby alarm clock" looks like in the morning.

"Every morning my baby sleeps in my bed with me for a couple hours after she wakes up to eat," wrote Anderson. "And every morning I ask myself why I didn't just put her back in her crib."

The video quickly went viral after it was posted on Facebook by none other than actor Ashton Kutcher.

Do you know a baby this persistent in waking their parents? Let us know in the comments below.