Wake County home to most of North Carolina's "Top 10" booming towns

Elaina Athans Image
Friday, May 23, 2014
Wake County is home to most of North Carolina's "Top 10" boom towns.
Rolesville is the smallest town in Wake County, but it is the center of the population explosion.

ROLESVILLE, N.C. (WTVD) -- More than half of North Carolina's "Top 10" booming towns are in Wake County, according to the latest population estimate released Thursday by the Census Bureau.

Rolesville is the smallest town in Wake County, but it is the center of the population explosion. New developments keep popping up. Neighborhoods are buzzing with the sound of construction.

Rolesville Mayor Frank Eagles said people move in as fast as the homes go up. He said the low cost of living and the location drive people to Rolesville.

"We're right next to Triangle Town Center," Eagles said. "Wake Tech is right there near Rolesville so it's a prime place for people to go."

The town's population jumped by more than 20 percent in the last few years. So much growth in such a short time has spurred some projects. Rolesville just opened a new high school, the biggest and most expensive facility in Wake County. The state-of-the-art learning space cost $75 million.

"I think good schools bring people and, of course, quality is what we're working for," Eagles said.

A bypass is also going up, and workers are busy with construction right now. With the current road infrastructure, people living in this community experience bumper-to-bumper traffic during the morning and evening commute.

"It is horrible right now but in September the bypass will be open and then we'll move a lot of those vehicles will go around the bypass," Eagles said.

And it seems there will be even more drivers on the road soon, since 900 more homes are scheduled to be built. Eagles said the problem now is keeping people in Rolesville to spend their money. He said there needs to be more big box stores and restaurants.

"It's better to be right there in town," Eagles said. "It is convenient."

He said he is recruiting businesses to open up in Rolesville to meet the demands of people packing into this tiny town.

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