Arts For Life, Duke Children's Hospital chapter, receives Triangle NC Cares Award honoring art services provided to pediatric patients

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Friday, December 4, 2020
Arts For Life receives Triangle NC Cares award, honoring art services provided to pediatric patients
The December 2020 Triangle NC Cares Award, sponsored by Ricci Law Firm, is presented to Arts For Life, Duke Children's Hospital chapter. The nonprofit provides quality art services to pediatric patients and their families.

Since 2003, the Arts For Life, Durham and The Triangle chapter has been in operation at Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center. This center not only serves the local community but children and their families from all over the world who come to seek treatment.

They are being honored this month with the Triangle NC Cares Award, proudly sponsored by the Ricci Law Firm.

About Arts For Life

"Arts For Life also helps kids long-term, because there are patients who may see a cure to their disease and see treatment come to an end, but they still deal with emotional trauma-from being here in the hospital, not being a 'normal' child for so long. What they learn at the art table, as far as confidence and building relationships, helps carry them through the rest of their lives and have success as a survivor." -Kristen Ammon, nurse manager, Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center

Arts For Life

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