Triangle NC Cares presents March award to InterAct

Friday, March 6, 2020
Triangle NC Cares presents March award to InterAct
Triangle NC Cares presents March award to InterAct

Triangle NC Cares, with Ricci Law Firm presents the March award to InterAct. InterAct provides domestic violence and sexual assault services in Wake County, North Carolina and is committed to helping the community.

About InterAct

"InterAct is Wake County's only provider of comprehensive services and support for victims of domestic and/or sexual violence and their families, and we make a life or death difference 24/7, 365 days a year.

InterAct saves lives, rebuilds lives, and secures safer futures for more than 63,000 individuals each year, more than 9,700 of whom are direct victims of domestic and/or sexual violence.

InterAct brings together eight community partners - three crisis lines, law enforcement, legal services, group and individual counseling, case management, court advocacy, and NC's first community-based sexual assault forensic examination center (Solace Center) - all under one roof. And we provide Wake County's only emergency shelter program for women and children fleeing domestic and/or sexual abuse - a 45-bed "home away from home."

Domestic violence is the single greatest cause of injury to women ages 15 to 44. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 1 in 4 women and more than 1 in 10 men in the US have experienced physical violence, rape, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Wake County is no exception. As one of the fastest-growing counties in the US, Wake County's demand for InterAct's services grows daily.

InterAct will always respond to a crisis - that's core to who we are. InterAct also has a firm stake in the ground to break the cycle of violence in our community. InterAct serves students in Wake County with an age-appropriate violence prevention curriculum, helping secure a safer future for generations to come.

In 2019, InterAct launched Pathways - its newest program for children and youth. Pathways is for children who have experienced trauma in their homes and offers a year-round, best-practice mentoring program and residential summer camp experience aimed at reinforcing healing, resilience, and hope."

Thanks again to Triangle NC Cares and Ricci Law Firm for their support!

Visit www.interactofwake.org to get involved and learn more.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of help, counselors are available 24/7. If you are in immediate danger please call 911.

24 Hour Crisis Hotline

Domestic Violence: 919-828-7740

Rape/Sexual Assault: 919-828-3005

Solace Center: 919-828-3067

Spanish Crisis Hotline: 844-203-8896

ABC11 Together is proud to be partnering with Ricci Law Firm and to be a part of supporting those who are making a difference where we live.