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Woman attacked by hawk, snake at the same time
First, a snake fell from the sky. Then, Texas grandma Peggy Jones found herself inside the chaos of a hawk after its prey.
Bald eagle snatches baby hawk and raises it
Toy poodle scooped up by hawk found 28 hours later
Too close for comfort: Hawk almost scoops small dog
Raleigh sixth-graders get up-close peek at falconry
Durham police rescue hawk stuck in barbed wire fence
Hawk terrorizing North Carolina neighborhood
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VIDEO: Hawk attacks drone, aerial battle ensues
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Bald eagle snatches baby hawk and raises it
Toy poodle scooped up by hawk found 28 hours later
Too close for comfort: Hawk almost scoops small dog
Raleigh sixth-graders get up-close peek at falconry
Durham police rescue hawk stuck in barbed wire fence
Hawk terrorizing North Carolina neighborhood
VIDEO: Hawk attacks drone, aerial battle ensues