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Paul Rudd FaceTimes boy, 12, after classmates refuse to sign yearbook
Paul Rudd showed a young fan some much-deserved kindness.
Fla. school under fire for altering photos of girls without permission
Confederate flag printed on NC yearbook causes hundreds of reprints
School to reprint yearbook after students hold up 'white power' sign
Teachers under fire for sombreros, mustaches in yearbook photo
Parkland therapy dogs featured in school yearbook
'Horrific part of our past:' 1979 UNC yearbook photo depicts blackface, KKK
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Parents furious after son named 'Most Likely to Bomb the U.S.'
Controversy swirls around Confederate-themed Fayetteville yearbook photo
Local principal apologizes for offensive yearbook quote
Local principal apologizes for offensive yearbook quote
Say cheese! Guide dog joins senior in yearbook photo
Service dog sits for yearbook photo
Yearbook photo misnames student in hijab as 'Isis'
School rejects yearbook photo of girl with bow
Girl uses yearbook quote to speak out against school's dress code
Yearbook cat photo teen dies in apparent suicide
Teen's retro pic with cat 'Mr. Bigglesworth' to appear in yearbook
Teens shocked to see altered yearbook photos
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More Stories
Fla. school under fire for altering photos of girls without permission
Confederate flag printed on NC yearbook causes hundreds of reprints
School to reprint yearbook after students hold up 'white power' sign
Teachers under fire for sombreros, mustaches in yearbook photo
Parkland therapy dogs featured in school yearbook
'Horrific part of our past:' 1979 UNC yearbook photo depicts blackface, KKK
Parents furious after son named 'Most Likely to Bomb the U.S.'
Controversy swirls around Confederate-themed Fayetteville yearbook photo
Local principal apologizes for offensive yearbook quote
Local principal apologizes for offensive yearbook quote
Say cheese! Guide dog joins senior in yearbook photo
Service dog sits for yearbook photo
Yearbook photo misnames student in hijab as 'Isis'
School rejects yearbook photo of girl with bow
Girl uses yearbook quote to speak out against school's dress code
Yearbook cat photo teen dies in apparent suicide
Teen's retro pic with cat 'Mr. Bigglesworth' to appear in yearbook
Teens shocked to see altered yearbook photos
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