RALEIGH, N.C. (WTVD) -- You could win big prizes just by buying things in downtown Raleigh.
Starting Monday, the Downtown Raleigh Alliance's Support Local, Win Prizes contest starts its 8-week run.
The contest allows anyone to submit receipts of purchases over $10 from downtown businesses. Those receipts will put the buyer in the running for a slew of different prizes.
The prizes include staycations, downtown behind-the-scenes tours, gift cards and other unique items. The prize packages are valued at $300 or more.
"This contest celebrates the resilience of our businesses downtown and the loyalty and patronage of the customers who have supported them throughout the pandemic. We hope the community will get excited about winning these amazing prizes by continuing to support our majority locally-owned downtown businesses," Downtown Raleigh Alliance CEO and President Bill King said.
For more information on the contest, including how to enter, click here.