Online elves hunt down Christmas toy for boy with autism

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Online elves hunt down Christmas toy for boy with autism
Kristin Thorne has more on an autistic boy's surprising Christmas wish.

BETHPAGE, Long Island -- The big items on most kids' Christmas lists may be a new video game system, tablet, or phone. But none of those are on Michael Clyne's list. All he wants is a wooden pull toy.

Michael, 10, has autism and became obsessed with what he calls "Apple Pie Ginger Cat" over the summer. The toy, made by London-based company Apple Pie Toys, is no longer in production.

"At this point the gamble is, are we going to find it in time for Christmas because he really thinks Santa is going to bring this," said Jeanie Shelton-Clyne, Michael's mother.

Shelton-Clyne said Michael is not often able to dictate exactly what he wants. So the entire family was blown away when Michael recently told Santa that he wanted the wooden cat toy for Christmas.

The online community came out in force to help the family find the toy sharing posts on Facebook. Shelton-Clyne said Apple Pie Toys confirmed that it no longer makes the toy but would try to track one down.

"The hope is that someone out there has it in their toy room and is willing to make a deal with us," said Shelton-Clyne.

A company director in California managed to find a brand new one in the box and says it will be on it's way to the family! It is expected to arrive in a few days.

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