Officers corner bear

Friday, June 3, 2016
Bear cornered by officers
The bear was tranquilized and taken back to the woods

DUBOIS, Pennsylvania -- A black bear had a bit of a tough day Thursday in Pennsylvania.

The bear found himself stuck between two buildings in the city of DuBois.

The state game commission shot the bear with a tranquilizer dart, then trapped him for eventual relocation.

It appears the bear may have been looking for food, and he may be especially fond of bird feeders and dumpsters.

But how did he got stuck in an alley?

"There was an individual who decided to box the bear in with their vehicle. I wouldn't recommend that. We don't know what that bear, how that bear is going to react obviously it's a wild animal and he could have ran out of the alley just as easily as he stayed in there," said Dave Stewart with the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Neighbors say they've seen that same bear in the area before and the game commission thinks he may return again.

He's believed to be between five and eight years old.

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