"Bazooka Joe," the fat cat who found his way to the SPCA of Wake County, is on a journey to a new life complete with a new family and even a new name, "King Augustus."
Bazooka, the portly 35-pound cat, arrives at Wake SPCA
After posting on Facebook, the SPCA was flooded with interest in adopting the cat and helping him lose weight.
The 35 pound cat, originally from Davidson County, went home on Monday to a new forever family.
The SPCA said the chunky tabby packed on the pounds because his elderly owner suffered from dementia.
"His owner recently passed away," the SPCA said on Facebook. "It is likely that when his owner saw his bowl was empty, he'd fill it up again, without realizing the implications."
Veterinarians said most healthy cats weigh about 10 pounds.
"King Augustus" weighs more than three-times that goal weight as he begins his diet and exercise plan.