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'Demure' named as 2024 word of the year by Dictionary.com
The word was popularized by TikToker Jools Lebron.
'Rizz' crowned as Oxford word of the year
'Gaslighting' is Merriam-Webster's word of the year for 2022
ICYMI, pumpkin spice among new Merriam-Webster entries
Man arrested for allegedly threatening Merriam-Webster
Word of the year 2020: Oxford English Dictionary couldn't pick just one
Oxford dictionaries updates definition of the word "woman"
More Stories
Oxford names 'climate emergency' its 2019 'Word of the Year'
Massachusetts teacher creates Generation Z 'slang dictionary'
300 new words added to online dictionary
Merriam-Webster word of the Year 2018: Justice
Hangry, bougie: Merriam-Webster adds 840 new words
Merriam-Webster on 'Dilly dilly:' It's a real word
Dictionary Day: Commonly mispronounced words
Merriam-Webster dictionary adds new words
VIDEO: Most commonly mispronounced words
More Stories
'Rizz' crowned as Oxford word of the year
'Gaslighting' is Merriam-Webster's word of the year for 2022
ICYMI, pumpkin spice among new Merriam-Webster entries
Man arrested for allegedly threatening Merriam-Webster
Word of the year 2020: Oxford English Dictionary couldn't pick just one
Oxford dictionaries updates definition of the word "woman"
Oxford names 'climate emergency' its 2019 'Word of the Year'
Massachusetts teacher creates Generation Z 'slang dictionary'
300 new words added to online dictionary
Merriam-Webster word of the Year 2018: Justice
Hangry, bougie: Merriam-Webster adds 840 new words
Merriam-Webster on 'Dilly dilly:' It's a real word
Dictionary Day: Commonly mispronounced words
Merriam-Webster dictionary adds new words
VIDEO: Most commonly mispronounced words
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