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Raleigh woman says new TV purchase left her with broken TV
"They informed me that I have to take the TV, that once it has left the store, it's not their problem anymore."
Too much screen time linked to detrimental effects in kids: Study
Man charged in Durham burglaries that netted $15,000
Despite inflation, prices for some items are declining
'The Beast' is the biggest electronics shredder in Texas!
FBI seizes electronics from Rudy Giuliani's NYC apartment
Best Buy worker takes down would-be thief
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How to make your battery last longer
Google launching new gaming service 'Stadia' this week
Device helps parents monitor, limit children's screen time
Meet Daisy, Apple's recycling machine where iPhones find new life
Russia lures voters to the polls with free iPhones, cars
Is your Alexa randomly laughing at you? You aren't alone
Apple's anti-battery-throttling update is (almost) here
Sick of folding clothes? This machine does it for you
Apple's $29 iPhone battery replacement available now
This year's 13 best holiday gifts for technology lovers
NC officials investigate electrocution at Butterball plant
Laptops must now be checked on certain international flights
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More Stories
Too much screen time linked to detrimental effects in kids: Study
Man charged in Durham burglaries that netted $15,000
Despite inflation, prices for some items are declining
'The Beast' is the biggest electronics shredder in Texas!
FBI seizes electronics from Rudy Giuliani's NYC apartment
Best Buy worker takes down would-be thief
How to make your battery last longer
Google launching new gaming service 'Stadia' this week
Device helps parents monitor, limit children's screen time
Meet Daisy, Apple's recycling machine where iPhones find new life
Russia lures voters to the polls with free iPhones, cars
Is your Alexa randomly laughing at you? You aren't alone
Apple's anti-battery-throttling update is (almost) here
Sick of folding clothes? This machine does it for you
Apple's $29 iPhone battery replacement available now
This year's 13 best holiday gifts for technology lovers
NC officials investigate electrocution at Butterball plant
Laptops must now be checked on certain international flights
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