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global warming
2024 is officially the hottest year on record
Last year easily surpassed 2023 as the warmest globally, based on data from Copernicus Climate Change Service and confirmed by NASA and NOAA.
SoCal Wildfires: Here's the role climate change may be playing
Climate Ready: How to host a less wasteful Thanksgiving
Could slime in your dishwasher unlock a solution to global warming?
What's an anaerobic digester? This one's helping feed and heat Chicago
Geothermal energy could soon heat, cool homes in Chicago
Earth is in coral bleaching event amid rising ocean temps: scientists
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Why cold air outbreaks are still happening amid global warming
2023 was the year of record heat temperatures
Climate change fight happening in lunar-like valley in Iceland
Four ways to build heat-resilient cities
Ocean temperatures off Florida top 100 degrees, a possible record
Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 3 days in a row
Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 4 days in a row
Tuesday marked Earth's hottest day on record: NOAA
Research shows climate change could trigger a rougher flight
Rising sea levels putting U.S. cities at risk, researchers say
Greenhouse gas emissions put 'humanity on thin ice:' UN report
Antarctic sea ice has reached a record low for the year
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SoCal Wildfires: Here's the role climate change may be playing
Climate Ready: How to host a less wasteful Thanksgiving
Could slime in your dishwasher unlock a solution to global warming?
What's an anaerobic digester? This one's helping feed and heat Chicago
Geothermal energy could soon heat, cool homes in Chicago
Earth is in coral bleaching event amid rising ocean temps: scientists
Why cold air outbreaks are still happening amid global warming
2023 was the year of record heat temperatures
Climate change fight happening in lunar-like valley in Iceland
Four ways to build heat-resilient cities
Ocean temperatures off Florida top 100 degrees, a possible record
Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 3 days in a row
Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 4 days in a row
Tuesday marked Earth's hottest day on record: NOAA
Research shows climate change could trigger a rougher flight
Rising sea levels putting U.S. cities at risk, researchers say
Greenhouse gas emissions put 'humanity on thin ice:' UN report
Antarctic sea ice has reached a record low for the year
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