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7 times 'Scandal' fans loved Olivia and Fitz's romance
Here are seven times "Scandal" worked its emotion-manipulating magic to make fans fall in love all over agin with idea of Olivia Pope and Fitzgerald Grant together.
Stars talk about ABC's new Shakespearean drama 'Still Star-Crossed'
ABC announces end of 'Scandal'
5 OMG moments that shocked 'Scandal' fans
OMG! Shonda Rhimes' 7 most shocking TV moments
ABC renews nearly two dozen primetime shows and adds more!
'Scandal' stars tweet tantalizing teases
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Stars talk about ABC's new Shakespearean drama 'Still Star-Crossed'
ABC announces end of 'Scandal'
5 OMG moments that shocked 'Scandal' fans
OMG! Shonda Rhimes' 7 most shocking TV moments
ABC renews nearly two dozen primetime shows and adds more!
'Scandal' stars tweet tantalizing teases
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