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Ronda Rousey has a message for fans on Instagram: 'I'll be back'
A day after being jolted by Holly Holm, Ronda Rousey used Instagram to let her fans know that she was "fine" after her hospital stay and that "I'll be back."
Holly Holm KOs Ronda Rousey to win women's bantamweight title
Holly Holm's coaches on plan vs. Ronda Rousey: 'Just a math problem to us'
Ronda Rousey: Violence against ex-boyfriend in book was self-defense
Rousey's mother says coach 'won the lottery' when Ronda walked into gym
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Holly Holm KOs Ronda Rousey to win women's bantamweight title
Holly Holm's coaches on plan vs. Ronda Rousey: 'Just a math problem to us'
Ronda Rousey: Violence against ex-boyfriend in book was self-defense
Rousey's mother says coach 'won the lottery' when Ronda walked into gym