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Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger having technical problems
Social media platforms WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are down Wednesday in various countries due to a technical problem, Mark Zuckerberg said.
Wake County school board joins lawsuit against social media giants
Facebook planning to change its name, report says
Facebook, Instagram services slowly returning after hours-long outage
Facebook launches campaign to help vaccine rollout
Facebook linked these 3 social media apps for messaging
Facebook will pay up to $120 to do this with your account
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Facebook introduces new company brand
WhatsApp discovers spyware that infected with a call alone
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Wake County school board joins lawsuit against social media giants
Facebook planning to change its name, report says
Facebook, Instagram services slowly returning after hours-long outage
Facebook launches campaign to help vaccine rollout
Facebook linked these 3 social media apps for messaging
Facebook will pay up to $120 to do this with your account
Facebook introduces new company brand
WhatsApp discovers spyware that infected with a call alone