Child breaks tough news to her parents about the 'tooth fairy'

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Lexi has some tough news for her mom and dad.

At just 9 years old, Lexi is already tackling some of life's largest mysteries -- namely, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

WARNING: Childhood spoilers ahead.

In a letter that is both adorable and heart breaking for any parent hoping their child holds onto the fantasy of childhood for as long as possible, Lexi explains that she doesn't believe in the Tooth Fairy any more.

"I know it's you who gets the money and puts it under my pillow, mom and dad," Lexi writes.

If anything, Lexi seems more concerned about how her parents might take the news, rather than being troubled by the loss of one of childhood's most important figures.

"I'm sorry if this is hard for you, but I'm nine now," she writes.

But Lexi doesn't stop there. She follows her debunking of the Tooth Fairy with two more bombs -- she doesn't believe in Santa Claus and knows it's her dad hiding the Easter eggs.


Full text of the letter:

Dear "Tooth Fairy,"

I don't believe in the tooth fairy any more. I know it's you who gets the money and puts it under my pillow, mom and dad. I'm sorry if this is hard for you, but I'm 9 now. (P.S.) I don't believe in Santa Claus either.

Love, Lexi

P.S. Daddy, I knew it was you last Easter, hiding my Easter eggs!

Lexi's dad posted a photo of the letter to Reddit after finding it on her pillow.

Parents, how long did your children believe in figures like the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus?