Boy donates dying wish to baseball field improvements

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Dying boy donates with to fellow ballplayers
Martin Romero donated his dying wish to make improvements at the baseball fields on which he used to play

ALBUQUERQUE, NM -- When the Make-a-Wish Foundation contacted a 14-year-old New Mexico boy with brain cancer, he told them he wanted to go skydiving.

His doctors wouldn't sign off on skydiving, so he decided to do something for others.

Martin Romero told the organization to spruce up local baseball fields. The foundation added paving between field and benches to make it easier for parents, grandparents and young children to see games.

Martin died before the improvements were finished.

"It's a situation where you can't even walk up and not shed a tear like I am right now, just remembering him on the field," said Martin's father, John Romerao.

The county commission is working to rename the fields after Martin.

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