Animals find peace during pandemic at Blind Spot Animal Sanctuary

Thursday, April 30, 2020
Animals find peace at animal sanctuary during COVID-19 pandemic
The sanctuary is helping pet parents of goats, chickens, horses and pigs.

ROUGEMONT, N.C. (WTVD) -- When it comes to animal shelters, most might think cats and dogs and perhaps the occasional guinea pig.

At Blind Spot Animal Sanctuary in Rougemont, the focus is on farm animals.

When you drive through the gates of the over 40-acre farm, you'll find a field of horses, donkeys, and mules. Goats soon emerge in a pin closer to a large barn.

There are more than 100 animals here finding peace.

Pigs root and snort, all that roam about are sniffing for treats or a head scratch.

Alesja Daehnrich is the co-founder. She once worked in shelters with cats and dogs but saw a gap in care.

"We see that farm animals are often forgotten."

Since COVID-19 hit, her sanctuary has started helping out farm animal owners as much as they can.

"In the past several weeks, we've helped dozens of animals," she said. "We had a lot of horse owners come that were not able to feed their horses anymore because either their hours were cut due to COVID-19 or they were laid off."

The sanctuary provides temporary assistance with hay and grain to owners who love their animals, but in this time, need a bit of help.

"When it comes to do you feed your family do you feed your pets, it's really tough."

Pet parents of goats, chickens, horses and pigs have been helped. The shelter posts on Facebook to explain their efforts, but they can't do it alone.

"I believe we are one community, and when things get tough, we just help each other."

The sanctuary is also accepting donations so they can continue their work.

In addition, some of the farm animals, like the adorable potbelly pigs, are up for adoption.

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