CCSO looking for suspects who broke into cars during Sunday school service

Monday, July 30, 2018

STEDMAN, NC (WTVD) -- The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office is looking for two suspects, seen on surveillance video, who broke into cars parked at Stedman Baptist Church.

The incident happened Sunday morning just after 10:00 a.m. during Sunday School service.

In the video, the church security guard had just finished making his rounds when a dark color Mazda Protege with a light driver side panel pulled up with two men inside.

The men get out and start checking to see which cars were unlocked. Once they got to the pick-up trucks, they began rummaging around the backseat in search of what security staff members believe were weapons.

"He was afraid because they primarily focused on pick up trucks, he was afraid they were after guns but none of our vehicles had guns. So they didn't get what they maybe were looking for," said Pastor Phil Spears.

Meanwhile, law enforcement found a lead.

"They actually pressed their hands onto the windshield and looked inside to see what was there so we've got some fantastic fingerprints," said Spears.

The Bible said not to question God, but detectives and even the pastor couldn't help but wonder.

"I'm not sure of all the reasons for it but it just shows that they have something in life that they're looking for that they don't have right now," said Spears.

Pastor Spears said those answers could be found at Stedman Baptist Church, just not inside his churchgoer's cars.

"We would've done anything that we could've done to help them. but they chose to do a different method of meeting their needs.," said Spears.

If you recognize the two in the video or know where the location of the Mazda Protege, you're asked to call the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office.

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