Experts use technology to help customers spot fake handbags

Friday, April 26, 2019
Experts use technology to help customers spot fakes
Is your designer handbag a fake?

Is your designer handbag a fake?

A Triangle company can now help you find out.

National Pawn and Jewelry is the first store in the Triangle to use artificial intelligence technology to help spot super fakes.

Reports show as many as one in six shoppers is tricked into buying counterfeit luxury items. This technology, called Entrupy, can verify luxury handbags by analyzing the leather and other materials to determine if the item is authentic.

If you have an item and want to be sure it's the real deal, National Pawn and Jewelry is offering free authentications at its Raleigh location at 6740 Fleetwood Drive.

The event is this Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.