Could vision boards be the key to achieving your goals?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Vision boards: A way to make a path for success
Some glue, scissors, magazines and a little bit of time are all you need to create your own vision board.

Could the items you use to do arts and crafts with your kids be key to accomplishing your own goals?

It could be a start.

Camy Kennedy, a Mindset and Life Coach based in Fayetteville, reflects back to where she was a decade ago. "I was actually in a job I hated, I was working night shift in a laboratory."

"I remember looking, going 'is this really my life? Is this really my life?'"

Kennedy's life has since shifted. She left California, making her way to North Carolina. Her life is now not in a lab, but focused on positivity and intentionality.

As we talk with Camy, she's surrounded by vision boards. Some of them are hopeful travel destinations, others are goals for her business, a few reflect health goals. She shows us one from two years ago.

"I said I wanted to be a runner," Kennedy said. "In 2019, I ran my first marathon."

Vision boards are simple enough to make - just gather some sticks of glue, a cheap pair of scissors, and any magazines you have laying around.

"Ultimately, it's about envisioning your future and starting to put it in front of you," Kennedy said. "Start to make it real, start to believe it."

To stay organized when creating your board, Camy suggests the following:

  • Don't rush. Make sure that you are setting aside enough time to make a meaningful board.
  • Clip what makes you feel good, then narrow it down.
  • If it's on your vision board, but it doesn't spark positivity, remove it from your board
  • Camy is hosting a vision board work shop on January 25.