Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart, Ben McAdams, 1st congressmen to test positive for novel coronavirus

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Thursday, March 19, 2020
How to prepare, protect yourself from coronavirus
ABC News Correspondent Zachary Kiesch reports on how to prepare and protect yourself from the coronavirus.

WASHINGTON -- Miami Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart has become the first known member of Congress to test positive for the new coronavirus, and his diagnosis was quickly followed by a second announcement.

Diaz-Balart entered self-quarantine in Washington Friday, according to a statement. He said he decided not to return to South Florida because his wife has a pre-existing medical condition.

Diaz-Balart developed symptoms, including a fever and headache, on Saturday. He learned Wednesday that he had tested postive for the COVID-19 virus.

"I want everyone to know that I am feeling much better," Diaz-Balart said in a statement Wednesday. "However, it is important that everyone take this extremely seriously and follow CDC guidelines in order to avoid getting sick and mitigate the spread of this virus. We must continue to work together to emerge stronger as a country during these trying times."

Later Wednesday, Rep. Ben McAdams of Utah announced in a statement that he had also tested positive and was in self-quarantine. Here's the full text of his statement:

"On Saturday evening, after returning from Washington, D.C., I developed mild cold-like symptoms. In consultation with my doctor Sunday, I immediately isolated myself in my home. I have been conducting all meetings by telephone. My symptoms got worse and I developed a fever, a dry cough and labored breathing and I remained self-quarantined. On Tuesday, my doctor instructed me to get tested for COVID-19 and following his referral, I went to the local testing clinic for the test. Today I learned that I tested positive. I am still working for my Utahns and pursuing efforts to get Utahns the resources they need as I continue doing my job from home until I know it is safe to end my self-quarantine. I'm doing my part as all Americans are doing to contain the spread of the virus and mitigate the coronavirus outbreak. I urge Uthans to take this seriously and follow the health recommendations we're getting from the CDC and other health experts so that we can recover from this public health threat."

RELATED: How is coronavirus spread? Symptoms, prevention, and how to prepare for a COVID-19 outbreak

Other members of Congress, including Florida Sen. Rick Scott, have self-quarantined, but none have reported positive test results. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez tested positive for the virus last week.

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