Man sentenced additional 93 months in prison in sexual assault case at FSU off-campus housing

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Thursday, January 16, 2025
Fayetteville PD makes arrest in 17-year-old sexual assault case
A DNA match led detectives to a suspect in the cold case.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WTVD) -- A man was sentenced to additional time in prison after pleading guilty to multiple charges in a sexual assault case from 2007.

Fayetteville police said Nicholas Antonio Raye plead guilty to two counts of second-degree rape, second-degree sexual offense, first-degree kidnapping, and breaking and entering in connection with a sexual assault that happened at a Fayetteville State University off-campus housing complex.

FPD said the rape suspect broke into the victim's apartment and committed sexual assault. The case went unsolved and was considered cold for many years but was reopened after the police department got a Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) hit notification.

Investigators said DNA evidence found on the victim's clothing led to Raye, whose DNA was a strong match.

FPD said that the victim, FSU's police department and the police department in the City of Northwest down in Brunswick County all helped detectives follow up on the lead and bring charges against Raye.

Raye, who was already serving time in Craven County for another crime was charged in connection with the 17-year-old case in September 2024.

On Tuesday, Raye was sentenced to a minimum of 93 months in prison with a maximum of 172 months. His sentence is expected to start after his current sentence of 58 months minimum and 130 months maximum, which began in August of 2023, expires. Authorities said Raye's current sentence is for second degree forcible rape and two counts of second-degree forcible sex offense that happened in the town of Northwest, N.C.

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