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fidel castro
Elian Gonzalez set to become Cuban lawmaker
The newspaper referred to Elián González, now 29, as "representing the most worthy of the Cuban youth."
Is there change afoot in Cuba?
Wake Co. family gets special video reunion from Cuba
A special delivery to Cuba from a Triangle family
Return to Cuba: Has life gotten any better?
Cuban family feels the divide of distance, politics
Tourists from North Carolina find a strangely silent Cuba
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Fidel Castro, 90, fused sports into Cuba's national identity
Defectors Yasiel Puig, Jose Abreu make triumphant return to Cuba
More Stories
Is there change afoot in Cuba?
Wake Co. family gets special video reunion from Cuba
A special delivery to Cuba from a Triangle family
Return to Cuba: Has life gotten any better?
Cuban family feels the divide of distance, politics
Tourists from North Carolina find a strangely silent Cuba
Fidel Castro, 90, fused sports into Cuba's national identity
Defectors Yasiel Puig, Jose Abreu make triumphant return to Cuba