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New federal rule would bar 'noncompete' agreements for most employees
According to the FTC, 30 million people - roughly one in five workers - are now subject to such restrictions.
Sen. Chuck Schumer outlines plan for how Senate will regulate AI
Cary Jaycees amend Christmas Parade rules after Raleigh tragedy
Vaping loophole closes as FDA can now regulate all forms of nicotine
Durham woman sues nursing home over care for dying mom during pandemic
Trump wants to ease showerhead rule to keep his hair 'perfect'
Carmakers to add alerts to prevent child heatstroke deaths
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NC is one of 4 states with little or no laws for keeping wild animals
What you need to know about the end of net neutrality
What is Net Neutrality Day?
Websites 'slow down' to observe Net Neutrality Day on Wednesday
Regulators considering allowing calls during flights
Weaker standards for athletic trainers worry parents
More Stories
Sen. Chuck Schumer outlines plan for how Senate will regulate AI
Cary Jaycees amend Christmas Parade rules after Raleigh tragedy
Vaping loophole closes as FDA can now regulate all forms of nicotine
Durham woman sues nursing home over care for dying mom during pandemic
Trump wants to ease showerhead rule to keep his hair 'perfect'
Carmakers to add alerts to prevent child heatstroke deaths
NC is one of 4 states with little or no laws for keeping wild animals
What you need to know about the end of net neutrality
What is Net Neutrality Day?
Websites 'slow down' to observe Net Neutrality Day on Wednesday
Regulators considering allowing calls during flights
Weaker standards for athletic trainers worry parents
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