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Pine Forest HS coaches explain cautions taken for athletes in the heat
School officials are taking special cautions to protect student athletes in the sweltering temperatures.
Swim surrounded by SF landmarks at this open water workout
New Fort Bragg training ground keeps troops closer to home
Excavation crews feel the heat of real flames in natural gas training
North Carolina prisoners train service dogs to serve others
7 tips to get in the game and play sports safely this spring
City of Raleigh apologizes after military training exercise causes fear
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Program trains hairstylists to spot domestic violence signs
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Swim surrounded by SF landmarks at this open water workout
New Fort Bragg training ground keeps troops closer to home
Excavation crews feel the heat of real flames in natural gas training
North Carolina prisoners train service dogs to serve others
7 tips to get in the game and play sports safely this spring
City of Raleigh apologizes after military training exercise causes fear
Program trains hairstylists to spot domestic violence signs