Allergy sufferers: Get your Kleenex ready

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Spring allergies
More things blooming means your allergies could be worse

It's time to get that tissue box out. With the warming temperatures comes more blooms on the trees and trouble for allergy sufferers.

Pollen levels are expected to climb to the "high" range on Wednesday and Thursday before dropping off a bit by the weekend.

Trees are the main culprit these days with Juniper, Oak, and Maple trees creating the most. Grass and weed pollen is still considered low at this time.

It's time to get ready for allergy season by following a few simple steps. Dr. Richard Besser, the Chief Health and Medical Editor for ABC News, says taking a few steps around your home can make a big difference.

"First, suck it up and shut it out. By sucking it up I mean vacuuming very frequently," he said. "You want to vacuum the upholstery rugs around your house and for shutting it out you know it is wonderful in spring to open the windows and let that breeze in but it is going to bring pollen in with it."

Besser says it's time now to get your prescription refilled, and begin taking the pills before you feel the symptoms.

"A nasal steroid or something you spray in your nose a few times a day, is a very good first step it doesn't have as many side effects as antihistamines," he said.

He also recommends using a nasal irrigator or a neti pot to wash out your nasal passages.

It's also a good idea to shower and rinse the pollen from your hair and your body if you spend time outdoors, and remember pets can bring in allergens, too.

"Keep them clean, and if you know what you are allergic to it can definitely help you with trying to avoid it," Besser explained.

This spring is expected to be an active one, since temperatures were mild in many places over the winter.

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