Students rally to save magnet program

RALEIGH That could mean reassigning students. Some could be sent as far as 20 miles away.

Tuesday, students, teachers and parents rallied at the school in support of the program. They say they can't understand why the district would do away with such a successful program.

The Wake County Board of Education decided continue it by a unanimous vote in October. But Wednesday, it plans to revisit that decision. The reason, according to a statement by the board, is because it's received so many complaints from parents about student assignments.

Among its options is moving the program to another high school.

Wake County has been struggling with how to divide up school assignments for months. Hundreds of parents and students have come to public meetings to protest being moved to new schools as the district tries to relieve overcrowding.

Wednesday's meeting is at 9:30 a.m. There will be a 30 minute public comment period.

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