Wake schools' debate goes viral

WAKE COUNTY It's all a part of a virtual town hall that was launched Friday morning.

Superintendent Tony Tata kicked off his first meeting at 10 a.m. on Wake County Schools' website, www.wcpss.net.

Tata said the technology allows him to hear more concerns and suggestions for increasing every student's achievement.

"The monthly online town hall meetings are just one more opportunity for me to reach out into as many homes and venues as possible, to be as transparent as possible and to answer as many questions as possible," he said.

Some of those concerns are focused on diversity and the move to community based schools, but Tata is offering reassurance.

"I created a student assignment task force made up of a cross-functional, very diverse group whose single purpose is to create a long-term, strategic student assignment plan for this county," he said. "They are looking at six courses of action along with 15 evaluative criteria. The courses of action cover a broad spectrum of possibilities. They are in the midst of evaluating those courses of action to winnow them down to one, or two or three options that we will bring forward to the board and the community for input."

Tata said he intends to deliver a completed student assignment plan to the board for approval by June 20.

If you missed Friday morning's meeting, don't worry because the more meetings will take place on the first Friday of each month. Also, they'll post transcripts of each town hall meeting online afterward.

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