Does Netflix movie 'To the Bone' glamorize eating disorders?

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
'To the Bone' sparks conversations about eating disorders in the Triangle
A new Netflix movie, "To the Bone," is sparking a conversation about eating disorders in the "real world."

DURHAM, North Carolina (WTVD) -- A new Netflix controversy comes months after the series "13 reasons Why" was accused of glamorizing teen suicide.

A new movie titled "To the Bone" is at the center of a debate about glamorizing eating disorders.

Local experts are speaking out about their concerns.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services warns children and teens should watch it under parental guidance.

According to Kelly Haight, a press assistant with NC DHHS:

"People who may experience distress with visual imagery or who feel this topic could be a trigger should use caution when viewing the movie and its images. Children and teens should do so with parental guidance and others should consult with a healthcare provider if they have questions or concerns.

Individuals can call their access lines for mental health treatment, as well as their local health department or primary care physician."

DHHS is not the only organization urging caution.

"To the Bone" features tough images that show the toll an eating disorders can take. It's a cautionary tale, but Duke Center for Eating Disorders is asking parents to consider whether their children are ready to watch it.

"Exposing their child to something that's dangerous, there's the cautionary tale too I think that 'are they old enough to appreciate the severity of what they're seeing,' " the director of Duke Center for Eating Disorders, Dr. Nancy Zucker said.

How should you start a conversation with your children if you feel they might need help?

"Usually leading with the label never works," Zucker said. "Like 'I think you have an eating disorder. I think you've gotten too thin,' you know things that could be argumentative."

Instead the doctor suggests focusing on how your child feels, as many with an eating disorder may have an underlying feeling of isolation.

Sarah Leck, a Raleigh native and UNC student who won her battle with an eating disorder said it helped her to seek resources.

"There's help out there," Leck said. "Recovery is definitely possible and it got so much better. They're so much life to live.

Additional resources can be found at National Eating Disorders Association.

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