Michelle Obama's 'VOTE' necklace trends online during 1st night of DNC

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Michelle Obama's 'VOTE' necklace trends online during DNC
Michelle Obama's 'VOTE' necklace trends online during DNC

The necklace former first lady Michelle Obama wore during night one of the Democratic National Convention became a top trending search on Google that night.

The necklace which spells the word "VOTE" was custom-commissioned by Mrs. Obama from Los Angeles-based jeweler BYCHARI.

Michelle Obama at the DNC: Vote like your lives depend on it

The brand supports various social justice causes. The necklace can be custom ordered for $300. The company's owner Chari Cuthbert told the The York Post she designed the necklace for the 2016 election and was planning on selling one again for 2020.

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