NCCU basketball Coach Levelle Moton announces affordable housing project in Heritage Park

Amber Rupinta Image
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
NCCU coach Moton announces affordable housing project in Raleigh
The latest project to build affordable housing in Raleigh has been announced and Raleigh native and NC Central head basketball coach LeVelle Moton is a big part of it.

The latest project to build affordable housing in Raleigh has been announced and Raleigh native and NC Central Head Basketball Coach Levelle Moton is a big part of it.

The Raleigh Housing Authority selected the company Moton co-owns, Raleigh Raised Development, as co-developer along with Brinshore Development for the re-development and restoration of Heritage Park, a southwest Raleigh public housing community with 122 units.

Moton and his business partners, CJ Mann and Terrell Midget grew up nearby in southeast Raleigh, so, being chosen for this city project means a lot to them.

"It's an incredible honor for us," Moton said. "Being three black men from the neighborhood in southeast Raleigh. There's been so much cry for attention and devotion to affordable housing, specifically in any of Raleigh, and we were just honored to be able to shoulder that load and bring some affordable housing back to a community that's supported us since we were kids, Moton added.

Midget says he hopes the redevelopment of Heritage Park will provide more business opportunities for the community with retail space and other amenities to service the neighborhood as part of the plan.

"We just trying to provide an avenue for some generational wealth," Midget explained.

The total investment will be in phases. "Each phase will probably be in the 50 million dollar range," Mann explained. "The total investment will probably be 150 to 200 million," Mann added.

Community outreach and engagement are in the works and will be the first part of the plan. A 12-month master planning process will follow and they hope to break ground at the end of 2024 or early 2025.

Moton has also been a part of the development of a new multi-million dollar subdivision of affordable housing in southeast Raleigh in the public housing area he was raised in called the Cottages of Idlewild in partnership with the nonprofit Raleigh Area Land Trust.