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Veterans chide lawmakers for potential government shutdown
Some in Fayetteville's military community are weighing in with their concerns about the impact of the government shutdown lurking over the weekend.
Durham woman starts business, thrives after COVID-19 furlough
Disney announces new furloughs for Disneyland employees
Furloughed airline workers anxiously await CARES Act extension
Flight attendant delivers heartfelt message amid furloughs
United Airlines to furlough fewer workers than expected
United to furlough up to 36,000 employees in October
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Durham Bulls furlough majority of front-office staff
Furloughed PNC worker finds fulfillment in letter-writing project
Rural hospitals furlough more workers during COVID-19 pandemic
Furlough vs layoff: What's the difference?
All Hobby Lobby stores closed, workers furloughed
Gap Inc. furloughs retail, corporate employees amid COVID-19 crisis
300 Cape Fear Valley Health employees temporarily furloughed
Furloughed EPA employee ready to go back to work
Urban Ministries opens pantry to furloughed federal workers
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Durham woman starts business, thrives after COVID-19 furlough
Disney announces new furloughs for Disneyland employees
Furloughed airline workers anxiously await CARES Act extension
Flight attendant delivers heartfelt message amid furloughs
United Airlines to furlough fewer workers than expected
United to furlough up to 36,000 employees in October
Durham Bulls furlough majority of front-office staff
Furloughed PNC worker finds fulfillment in letter-writing project
Rural hospitals furlough more workers during COVID-19 pandemic
Furlough vs layoff: What's the difference?
All Hobby Lobby stores closed, workers furloughed
Gap Inc. furloughs retail, corporate employees amid COVID-19 crisis
300 Cape Fear Valley Health employees temporarily furloughed
Furloughed EPA employee ready to go back to work
Urban Ministries opens pantry to furloughed federal workers
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