Believers flock to Texas home to view Virgin Mary image on brick wall

Mayra Moreno Image
Friday, February 22, 2019
Do you see what they see?
Worshipers gathered to pray around an apparent image of the Virgin Mary at a Rosenberg home.

ROSENBERG, Texas -- Residents in Rosenberg brought roses, rosaries and their faith Thursday night as they prayed in front of a home where they believe the image of the Virgin Mary appeared under a porch light on Feb. 12.

"The light is like the Holy Spirit shining over the picture and giving us the strength," said Betty Contreras.

Betty and Eloy Contreras are the homeowners, and they strongly believe this is happening for a reason.

"I believe she wants us to pray and unite," Betty said.

"I saw it right away and all I could say is 'Wow' because being a skeptic, maybe she's sending us a message like my wife said," said Eloy.

They strongly believe her image appeared as a sign of hope, especially now when the Catholic church is in a global crisis with recent allegations of sexual abuse by priests.

"A lot of problems are existing in our church right now," said Contreras. "Let these victims be heard and (hope) that this can be worked out for the church and the victims."

The folks who see and believe know there are skeptics out there, but they ask even if you see nothing, continue to pray.

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"Our country is going through a lot of turmoil (and) a lot of separation," said Contreras, "(We need to) come together."

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