Threat forces Wake Christian Academy to cancel classes until Monday

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Thursday, January 25, 2024
Threat forces Wake Christian Academy to cancel classes
Wake County Sheriff's Office was called to investigate the school threat on Wednesday and out of an abundance of caution the school decided to close.

WAKE COUNTY, N.C. (WTVD) -- Wake Christian Academy closed Thursday due to a threat made to the school.

Wake County Sheriff's Office investigated the threat. They did determine that a high school student made the threat, although that child's identity has not been revealed. However, that student has had their enrollment at Wake Christian Academy revoked and been banned from the campus permanently.

The investigation lasted into the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 25, so school leaders decided to cancel classes Thursday.

School leaders then opted to cancel classes Friday too in order to give families "the opportunity to speak with their children about the importance of sharing information with trusted adults whenever they are concerned,"

ABC11 learned Thursday morning that no juvenile petition had yet been filed for the high school student who made the threat.

"The safety of our children is paramount. All threats against our schools will be taken seriously and investigated. Parents, I encourage you to talk to your students about the possible consequences of making threats," said Sheriff Willie Rowe.

Below is the full statement from Wake Christian Academy:

"On Wednesday evening, the administration received information about a high school student making statements concerning harming themself and possibly others. We immediately investigated and contacted the Wake County Sheriff's Office. Because the investigation continued into the late evening, we determined it was best to cancel school on Thursday, January 25. Wake Christian Academy is fully cooperating with the Wake County Sheriff's Office. The student who made the statements is no longer enrolled at Wake Christian Academy and cannot return to campus. We are taking every step necessary to ensure the ongoing safety of our students and staff moving forward.

The decision to close today was made for the safety of our school community and to protect us physically. However, we understand that there is more than a physical impact when events like this occur. Therefore, we will remain out of school on Friday, January 26, and all after-school activities are canceled until Monday, January 29. Based on our continued communication with the authorities, we plan to resume our regular schedule on Monday. We believe this time is necessary for our families to have the opportunity to speak with their children about the importance of sharing information with trusted adults whenever they are concerned. In addition, they must understand the power of their words and actions in person and on social media. As a father of three children, I know these may be difficult conversations, but they can be good opportunities to strengthen our relationships with our children.

On Monday, the principals will be meeting with their students in grade or class-level meetings to help them process and provide them with the opportunity to talk with teachers and principals should they desire. We love our students and our Bulldog family. This is not a situation we would have chosen, but God allowed it to occur in His infinite wisdom for our growth and His glory.

The writer of Proverbs states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6, ESV) This passage is a great comfort and reminder that we must trust our all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present God in all situations. Please continue to pray for our school community as we walk through these challenging days and look to our Heavenly Father as He makes our paths straight."

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