Get the AccuWeather app for minute-by-minute forecasting today!

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ABC11 has partnered with AccuWeather to help you stay connected to the best in weather!

Your favorite weather app just got better! Check daily forecasts - down to the minute - with just the click of a button on the AccuWeather app.

Simply download the free AccuWeather app today to receive up-to-the minute weather alerts for your region.

ABC11 and AccuWeather offer MinuteCast, providing the only global minute-by-minute precipitation forecast for North Carolina, right down to your street address. This feature is available for over a dozen countries on three continents.

The app's pleasing design lets you take advantage of your mobile device to present weather data in customizable ways. The app also offers pinpoint location forecasts and saved favorite locations for quick forecasting. AccuWeather's hourly, daily and 15-day forecasts can be integrated with your calendar with localized weather for more than 3 million locations.

Download the free AccuWeather app for iPhone and Android today! Your ABC11 First Alert Weather app will be shut down at the end of April.

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