It gave Obama the ability to communicate with supporters without the filter of traditional news outlets.
"I think the campaign showed people how you can take all these tools and scale it, apply it in an overarching strategy to get a politician elected. That's one example," explained Obama social media strategist Rahaf Harfoush who was in Durham Tuesday to explain how social media can be a powerful tool to members of the Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce.
It's not just politicians who see the benefit of a good social media strategy. Businesses know it's an effective way to reach consumers. That means today's college students could soon be employed in social media positions.
"For almost every industry. From PR, marketing to communications, strategy. And what we're seeing right now is a lot of organizations starting to create positions. We've now seen, in the past couple of years, vice president of social media. Social media architects," said Harfoush.
So if you like to Twitter or Facebook, there may be a job in it for you.
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