There was standing room only at Leesville Road High School for the meeting. Parents like Noreen Brewster who support the year-round schedule were in the minority.
"I fought long and hard to get my kids into year-round schools," Brewster said.
The previous majority on the school board argued socio-economic diversity and growth problems would be solved by sending some students to year-round schools.
But the new majority on the new board elected last Fall wants to end forcing students into year round schools. They want to offer parents a choice instead.
The problem is that some believe accommodating that choice could put an end to the socio-economic diversity policy.
In the Leesville area, neighborhood schools got the most backing.
"The survey says 50 percent of parents want a traditional calendar, if it was the other way around there would be howling," parent Chuck Dufresne said.
But, as there has been at every public hearing so far, some speakers are not picking a side, but begging the board to stop bickering.
"This board needs to prove it can come together for the sake of our children," parent Louise Lee said. "People are confused, don't know what to believe."
Parents have one more chance to publicly weigh in on calendar assignments. The last public hearing will be Thursday at Panther Creek High School.
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