These Triangle breweries are kid-friendly

ByRoxy Garrity
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Kid friendly breweries in the Triangle

You don't need to spend your money on a babysitter for you to go out and enjoy a brewery.

I've been delighted to find that a lot of Triangle breweries are family friendly.

Hi-Wire Brewery

My husband and I took our 1-year-old, Delaney, to Hi-Wire Brewery in Durham.

We were impressed by the large colorful open space.

My husband ordered a Porter and Delaney enjoyed the soccer pool table.

"We love the breweries just because it's way more kid-friendly. Kids can do what they want, venture out. If they cry or make a ruckus it doesn't get noticed as much as it would at a restaurant," Hi-Wire Brewery customer Seth Mckinney said.

Clouds Brewing

John Oldendorf, the Chief Beer Officer at Clouds Brewing in Raleigh has his personal reasons for making the place family friendly.

"I have a 4-year old daughter and she spends a lot of time hanging out with me at the brewery, so we built a little place for her birthday party a couple of years ago and it's just grown from there," he said.

While at Clouds Brewing, Delaney enjoyed the little indoor play house with a patio, blocks, and the company of the other kids.

My husband's beer pick here was the Pilsner and they even have juice boxes on sale for the tots.

Looking to mingle with other moms? The popular mom's group Stroller Strides organizes happy hour playdates at their Front Street location.

For the mamas like me who are breastfeeding, my pediatrician said there's a polysaccharide in the barley used to make beer which stimulates prolactin and can help you make more breastmilk.